Calipso Galapagos Liveaboard
2021 Discount $1700 Off All Year

This is a bucket list destination and a super discounted deal. You can book any of the available charter dates throughout 2021 and get a $1700 USD per person discount. Also get FREE nitrox and a 1-night stay in Quito or Guayaquil for ease of transit. These dates must be booked before February 14, 2021.
- Jan 14th to July 8th, 2021: was $5495 now $3795 p.p
- From July 8th to Dec 31st, 2021: was $5696 now $3995 p.p

Trip Report - Nautilus Belle Amie - Socorro Islands Dec 2020
"A Picture is Worth 1000 Words"
Photographer Brandi Mueller

Grand Sea Explorer Liveaboard
Egyptian Red Sea Dive Travel Adventure
Save $300

The Red Sea in Egypt is one of the planet’s most exotic and captivating natural environments. There are few places in the world where you'll find such a diverse array of radiant corals, schooling pelagics, and plentiful marine life along with topside extensions to sites that date to antiquity – it is little wonder that divers refer to the Red Sea as legendary.
We have trip dates in March and April 2021 with a $00 discount from Explorer Ventures and an additional $100 Agent Discount from our team. You must book this package before January 6, 2021 to take advantage of this offer.
Galapagos Master Liveaboard
March 2021 - 30% Discount
Dive Travel "Bucket List" Adventure

We have cabins available on the Galapagos Master Liveaboard for March 2021 with a 30% discount. Travel dates and rates are as follows:
- 01 - 08 March 2021 7 Days Was $6150, now $4305 USD
- 08 - 15 March 2021 7 Days Was $6150, now $4305 USD
- 15 - 22 March 2021 7 Days Was $6150, now $4305 USD
- 22 March - 01 April 2021 10 days Was $7820, now $5474 USD
Rates are per person double occupancy. Other fees:
- Marine Park & Port Fees: $100 USD Galapagos National Park Fees (upon your arrival in the San Cristóbal)
- Tourist Card: $25 USD (before boarding your domestic flights to the Galapagos visit the INGALA booth at Guayaquil airport)
- Chamber Support Fee: $35 USD

The Galápagos Islands are an Ecuadorian archipelago of volcanic islands straddling the equator about 970 km west of continental Ecuador. The Galapagos are a UNESCO World Heritage site, an official Ecuadorian province, an Ecuadorian National Park as well as a biological marine reserve.